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Throne and Liberty Adentus's Gargantuan Greatsword
Greatsword Weapon

Lv. 0
95 ~ 155
Attack Speed
Construct Bonus Damage
Critical Hit Chance
Possible Traits:
Construct Bonus Damage: +16
Critical Hit Chance: +80
Heavy Attack Chance: +80
Hit Chance: +80
Mana Regen: +60
Max Mana: +600
Adentus's Gargantuan Greatsword

Item Stats

Level Damage Attack Speed Construct Bonus Damage Critical Hit Chance Range Strength
1 98 ~ 161 0.709s 10 169 2.5m 4
2 102 ~ 168 0.709s 12 179 2.5m 5
3 106 ~ 175 0.709s 14 189 2.5m 5
4 109 ~ 181 0.709s 16 199 2.5m 6
5 113 ~ 188 0.709s 18 209 2.5m 6
6 117 ~ 196 0.709s 20 219 2.5m 7
7 120 ~ 202 0.709s 23 229 2.5m 7
8 124 ~ 209 0.709s 25 239 2.5m 8
9 128 ~ 216 0.709s 27 249 2.5m 8

Possible Traits

  • Construct Bonus Damage
  • Critical Hit Chance
  • Heavy Attack Chance
  • Hit Chance
  • Mana Regen
  • Max Mana

How to Get Adentus's Gargantuan Greatsword in Throne & Liberty

You can obtain Adentus's Gargantuan Greatsword by defeating the Adentus Guild Boss in Throne & Liberty. 

This is not a guaranteed drop, you may have to defeat Adentus multiple times to get the item.