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Throne and Liberty Aelon's Rejuvenating Longbow
Longbow Weapon

Lv. 0
36 ~ 141
Attack Speed
Bind Chance
Hit Chance
Possible Traits:
Construct Bonus Damage: +16
Critical Hit Chance: +80
Heavy Attack Chance: +80
Hit Chance: +80
Mana Regen: +60
Max Mana: +600
Aelon's Rejuvenating Longbow

Item Stats

Level Damage Attack Speed Bind Chance Dexterity Hit Chance Range
1 37 ~ 147 0.675s 95 3 50 17.6m
2 39 ~ 154 0.675s 108 4 60 17.6m
3 41 ~ 161 0.675s 120 4 70 17.6m
4 42 ~ 167 0.675s 133 5 80 17.6m
5 44 ~ 174 0.675s 145 5 90 17.6m
6 46 ~ 181 0.675s 158 6 100 17.6m
7 47 ~ 187 0.675s 170 6 110 17.6m
8 49 ~ 194 0.675s 183 7 120 17.6m
9 51 ~ 201 0.675s 195 7 130 17.6m

Possible Traits

  • Construct Bonus Damage
  • Critical Hit Chance
  • Heavy Attack Chance
  • Hit Chance
  • Mana Regen
  • Max Mana

How to Get Aelon's Rejuvenating Longbow in Throne & Liberty

You can obtain Aelon's Rejuvenating Longbow by defeating the Grand Aelon Guild Boss in Throne & Liberty. Before you can fight Grand Aelon, you must complete the Purification Efforts Milestone, which requires your guild members to complete 100 Resistance Contracts on the Purelight Hill

This is not a guaranteed drop, you may have to defeat Adentus multiple times to get the item.