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Copy of Hapa's Death and Decay

Copy of Hapa's Death and Decay
Build for Throne and Liberty

hapamuffin 4 months ago

Skill Setups

Weapon Specialization


DaVinci's CourageArrow right.webpInject VenomArrow right.webpArrow right.webpIconArrow right.webpArrow right.webpInject VenomArrow right.webpValiant BrawlArrow right.webpCleaving MoonlightArrow right.webpCleaving MoonlightArrow right.webpStunning BlowArrow right.webpGuillotine BladeArrow right.webpAscending SlashArrow right.webpArrow right.webpArrow right.webpCleaving MoonlightArrow right.webpCleaving MoonlightArrow right.webp


Notes / Pairing:

Inject VenomArrow right.webpInject Venom = Always make sure to use your double stab from Inject Venom 

Arrow right.webp = Both of these will have the same CD timer. As well you want to maximize the number of hits you do each time you use Umbral Spirit 

Stunning BlowArrow right.webpGuillotine Blade = You will want to always follow up Stunning Blow with Guillotine Blade . Stunning Blow has a % based increase in damage, so we want it with our biggest hit

Ascending SlashArrow right.webp = Follow up Charging Slash  with Death Blow . Every other Death Blow should be buffed 

When Cruel Smite Valiant Brawl is ready to use. Try to follow it up with Buffed Guillotine BladeGuillotine Blade or Buffed Death Blow



DPS - Shade Revenant Stheno  - This guardian launches projectiles every second that can Crit and Heavy Attack! Since you're stacking so much Heavy Attack Chance, it's a clear decision to choose this Guardian!
Solo - Lady Knight Kamarshea - Lowers your cooldown while also giving you a damage shield equal to 50% of your maximum Mana. This is a strong defensive guardian whenever you're struggling to survive.


4 months ago