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Throne and Liberty Shade Revenant Stheno

Lord Mason of the Trutizan Mountains fought bravely against the Arkeum's invasion, but he was ultimately defeated, suffering severe injuries in the process. Enraged, Kazar ordered his forces to find and kill Lord Mason and his entire family. Only his young daughter Stheno managed to escape. She and several of her father's faithful servants made their way into the Eldrin Forest. Unfortunately, they were all hunted down by the forest-dwelling Eldrin clan, who despised humans on principle. Stheno alone was spared by Elowen, the guard captain of the forest. Stheno managed to make her way to a road, but ultimately fainted from starvation where she was found by a shaman named Marcos from the Sylavean Order.
Shade Revenant Stheno

How to Unlock Shade Revenant Stheno

To unlock Shade Revenant Stheno, you must complete the Exploration Codex entry entitled For Whom the Bell Tolls, in Ruins of Turayne

  • Talk to the Discouraged Stonemason at Ruins of Turayne
  • Ring the bell in the first Bell Tower at Ruins of Turayne (Grapple up to the bell tower to activate it)
  • Ring the bell in the second Bell Tower at Ruins of Turayne (Grapple onto the roof of the nearby chapel, then fly to the bell tower)
  • Ring the bell in the third Bell Tower at Ruins of Turayne (Ascend the very tall tower just inside the Blackhowl Plains region, then fly down to the bell tower)
  • Ring the bell in the fourth Bell Tower at Ruins of Turayne (Climb the nearby cliffs and fly down from there to reach the bell)
  • Talk to the Discouraged Stonemason at Ruins of Turayne
A Guardian's Pledge containing a Guardian's power. Imprints the Guardian's power onto your body, enabling you to morph
Shade Revenant Stheno

Related Morphs

Originally from the grasslands of Trutizan, Almirazes can now be found in many areas of Solisium. Given their cute rabbit-like appearance, some people are shocked to learn that they are classified as predators, as they have a ferocious nature and will attack anyone they don't like with their horns. Larger versions of the species have various elemental characteristics, similar to elemental spirits, which can be seen in the color of their fur.
Sap Almiraz
Originally from the grasslands of Trutizan, Almirazes can now be found in many areas of Solisium. Given their cute rabbit-like appearance, some people are shocked to learn that they are classified as predators, as they have a ferocious nature and will attack anyone they don't like with their horns. Larger versions of the species have various elemental characteristics, similar to elemental spirits, which can be seen in the color of their fur.
Fluffy Almiraz