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Throne and Liberty Explosive Trap
Crossbow Skill

Active Skill
320 Mana
Skill Type
Use Format
Set Location / Direction
Set up an Explosive Trap on the designated location. The trap triggers when an enemy is within 3m range, and explodes after 2s. It deals damage equal to 600% of Base Damage + 165 to the target. Has a(n) 80% chance to Weaken the target, decreasing Move Speed by 60% for 3s. An Explosive Trap lasts for 15s. You can set up only 1 trap at once.
Lvl. 1 - 5
Cooldown ▼
60s / 59s / 57s / 56s / 54s
Unlocks at level 30
Explosive Trap
Set up an Explosive Trap on the designated location. The trap triggers when an enemy is within 3m range, and explodes after 2s. It deals damage equal to 600% of Base Damage + 165 to the target. Has a(n) 80% chance to Weaken the target, decreasing Move Speed by 60% for 3s. An Explosive Trap lasts for 15s. You can set up only 1 trap at once.


Shock Bomb
Shock Bomb
Explosion has a 80% chance to apply Stun
Set up range ▲
Set up range ▲
Can be used within 100% of Attack Range
Duration ▲
Duration ▲
Explosive Trap Max Duration 10 ▲

This skill is part of the Crossbow weapon type.

Related Skills

Active Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
500 Mana
Skill Type
Use Format
When used, properties activate or deactivate.
When activated, projectile attacks consume 24 Mana to shoot an additional projectile. This property deactivates if Mana is less than 10% of Max Mana. Acquiring more than two properties at the same time triggers cycling between the properties in this order: Gale > Flame > Frost > Lightning > Deactivation, every time the skill is used.

Gale Arrow
Deals 21% of Base Damage. Has a 31% chance to apply Gale for 6s.

Flame Arrow
Deals 21% of Base Damage. Has a 31% chance to apply Weaken: Burning for 3s, which has the same effect as Serial Fire Bombs.

Frost Arrow
Deals 28% of Base Damage. Has a 65% chance to apply Frost and Weaken which decreases Move Speed by 10% for 1s. If the effect is already applied, the duration increases by 0.5s.

Lightning Arrow
Deals 30% of Base Damage. Has a 15% chance to deal additional damage that is equal to 120% of Base Damage. If the target is Wet or has Frost that was applied by you, the status transfers to another enemy within 5m radius.
Gale Arrow Activation Rate ▲
27% / 28% / 29% / 30% / 31%
Flame Arrow Activation Rate ▲
27% / 28% / 29% / 30% / 31%
Frost Arrow Activation Rate ▲
55% / 57.5% / 60% / 62.5% / 65%
Lightning Arrow Activation Rate ▲
13% / 13.5% / 14% / 14.5% / 15%
Unlocks at level 18
Mother Nature's Protest
Active Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
290 Mana
Skill Type
Use Format
Set Location / Direction
Deals damage equal to 290% of Base Damage + 99. Has a(n) 70% chance to Weaken (decreasing Move Speed by 30% for 3s) and apply a short Collision: Push to targets within 100% range inside a 60-degree cone.
Damage ▲
270% + 79 / 270% + 84 / 280% + 89 / 280% + 94 / 290% + 99
Unlocks at level 9
Active Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
Base Skill: Recoil Shot
110 Mana
Can be used only when you have Repulsive Force by using a skill that moves yourself. When used, consumes 1 Repulsive Force and deals 310% of Base Damage + 32. Repulsive Force stacks up to 3 times, and when it reaches 3 stacks, it turns into Wave Shot.

Wave Shot
When used, consumes all Repulsive Force stacks to deal 930% of Base Damage + 96 damage and has a(n) 90% chance to apply Collision: Push. When the pushed target hits the wall, it becomes Stunned for 3s.
Damage ▲
280% + 24 / 280% + 26 / 295% + 28 / 295% + 30 / 310% + 32
Successive Damage ▲
840% + 72 / 840% + 78 / 885% + 84 / 885% + 90 / 930% + 96
Wave Shot