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Throne and Liberty Javelin Inferno
Spear Skill

Active Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
Base Skill: Javelin Surge
160 Mana
Throws a spear at the designated target to deal 342% of Base Damage + 127. Spreads up to 3 times to 2 random targets within a 5m radius. On Critical Hit, applies Weaken: Ignite.
Javelin Inferno can only be used upon gaining the Ember effect. Once the Javelin Inferno specialization is activated, Ember can be obtained by defeating an enemy by spear or upon dealing damage using the Explosive Fury skill, which is a specialization of the Vicious Fury skill Ember stacks up to 5 times. Consumes 1 Ember stack.
Lvl. 11 - 15
Damage ▲
306% + 98 / 306% + 106 / 324% + 113 / 324% + 120 / 342% + 127
Javelin Inferno
This is skill is a result of selecting the trait "Javelin Inferno" on the skill Javelin Surge
Throws a spear at the designated target to deal [216|216|234|234|252]% of Base Damage + [26|34|41|48|55]. Spreads up to 3 times to 2 random targets within a 5m radius. On Critical Hit, applies Weaken: Ignite. Javelin Inferno can only be used upon gaining the Ember effect. Once the Javelin Inferno specialization is activated, Ember can be obtained by defeating an enemy by spear or upon dealing damage using the Explosive Fury skill, which is a specialization of the Vicious Fury skill Ember stacks up to 5 times. Consumes 1 Ember stack.
Throws a spear at the designated target to deal [261|261|279|279|297]% of Base Damage + [62|70|77|84|91]. Spreads up to 3 times to 2 random targets within a 5m radius. On Critical Hit, applies Weaken: Ignite. Javelin Inferno can only be used upon gaining the Ember effect. Once the Javelin Inferno specialization is activated, Ember can be obtained by defeating an enemy by spear or upon dealing damage using the Explosive Fury skill, which is a specialization of the Vicious Fury skill Ember stacks up to 5 times. Consumes 1 Ember stack.
Throws a spear at the designated target to deal [306|306|324|324|342]% of Base Damage + [98|106|113|120|127]. Spreads up to 3 times to 2 random targets within a 5m radius. On Critical Hit, applies Weaken: Ignite. Javelin Inferno can only be used upon gaining the Ember effect. Once the Javelin Inferno specialization is activated, Ember can be obtained by defeating an enemy by spear or upon dealing damage using the Explosive Fury skill, which is a specialization of the Vicious Fury skill Ember stacks up to 5 times. Consumes 1 Ember stack.

This skill is part of the Spear weapon type.

Related Skills

Active Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
260 Mana
Skill Type
Use Format
All CC Resistances increase by 410 for 6s. After 3s, increases Magic, Melee, and Ranged Heavy Attack Chance by 130 per target within a 8m radius for 3s. (Up to 5 targets).
The CC Resistance Increase effect's remaining duration increases by 0.2s per incoming hit, up to 15 times.
All CC Resistances ▲
370 / 380 / 390 / 400 / 410
Heavy Attack Chance ▲
118 / 121 / 124 / 127 / 130
Unyielding Sentinel
Active Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
Base Skill: Rising Slash
180 Mana
Dashes toward a target to deal 160% of Base Damage + 67. Damage increases by 80% against monsters. Attacks 6 times in a row, splitting the attack if there is another target within 6m. Each attack deals 22% increased damage per stack of the user's Burst or Ignite on the target and causes it to explode.
Damage ▲
150% + 52 / 150% + 56 / 155% + 59 / 155% + 63 / 160% + 67
Damage Boost per Burst, Ignition Stack
20% / 20.5% / 21% / 21.5% / 22%
Slaughtering Slash