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Throne and Liberty Mortal Mark
Crossbow Skill

Active Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
180 Mana
Skill Type
Use Format
Fires an arrow that deals 280% of Base Damage + 109 damage. The arrow has a(n) 100% chance to Weaken the target with a Detonating Mark for 3s. Stacks up to 2 times, and explodes even when stacked, dealing the accumulated damage and resetting the accumulation. Marked targets receive 80% less Healing and take additional 23% of Base Damage + 15 damage per attack, accumulating the user's damage dealt on the Marked target for the duration. When the effect ends, the Mark detonates, dealing additional damage equal to 20% of the total accumulated damage dealt. The mark's accumulating damage is only applied to one target.
Lvl. 11 - 15
Damage ▲
260% + 82 / 260% + 88 / 270% + 95 / 270% + 102 / 280% + 109
Bonus Damage ▲
21% + 11 / 21% + 12 / 22% + 13 / 22% + 14 / 23% + 15
Unlocks at level 1
Mortal Mark
Fires an arrow that deals [200|200|210|210|220]% of Base Damage + [14|20|27|34|41] damage. The arrow has a(n) 100% chance to Weaken the target with a Detonating Mark for 3s. Stacks up to 2 times, and explodes even when stacked, dealing the accumulated damage and resetting the accumulation. Marked targets receive 80% less Healing and take additional [15|15|16|16|17]% of Base Damage + [1|2|3|4|5] damage per attack, accumulating the user's damage dealt on the Marked target for the duration. When the effect ends, the Mark detonates, dealing additional damage equal to [10|20|20|20|20]% of the total accumulated damage dealt. The mark's accumulating damage is only applied to one target.
Fires an arrow that deals [230|230|240|240|250]% of Base Damage + [48|54|61|68|75] damage. The arrow has a(n) 100% chance to Weaken the target with a Detonating Mark for 3s. Stacks up to 2 times, and explodes even when stacked, dealing the accumulated damage and resetting the accumulation. Marked targets receive 80% less Healing and take additional [18|18|19|19|20]% of Base Damage + [6|7|8|9|10] damage per attack, accumulating the user's damage dealt on the Marked target for the duration. When the effect ends, the Mark detonates, dealing additional damage equal to [10|20|20|20|20]% of the total accumulated damage dealt. The mark's accumulating damage is only applied to one target.
Fires an arrow that deals [260|260|270|270|280]% of Base Damage + [82|88|95|102|109] damage. The arrow has a(n) 100% chance to Weaken the target with a Detonating Mark for 3s. Stacks up to 2 times, and explodes even when stacked, dealing the accumulated damage and resetting the accumulation. Marked targets receive 80% less Healing and take additional [21|21|22|22|23]% of Base Damage + [11|12|13|14|15] damage per attack, accumulating the user's damage dealt on the Marked target for the duration. When the effect ends, the Mark detonates, dealing additional damage equal to 20% of the total accumulated damage dealt. The mark's accumulating damage is only applied to one target.


Chain Effects
Chain Effects
Transfer Mortal Mark to another enemy if the Marked target is defeated
Detonation Mark
Detonation Mark
Activates the skill, Detonation Mark.
Stamina Stagnation
Stamina Stagnation
Marked Target's Stamina Regen decreases 100%

This skill is part of the Crossbow weapon type.

Related Skills

Active Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
90 Mana
Skill Type
Use Format
Fires an arrow 3 times that deals 150% of Base Damage + 32 damage each hit. Victims of the user's Weaken effects take more damage equal to 20% of Base Damage + 7 damage.
Damage ▲
140% + 24 / 140% + 26 / 145% + 28 / 145% + 30 / 150% + 32
Unlocks at level 1
Quick Fire
Active Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
Base Skill: Recoil Shot
110 Mana
Can be used only when the user is affected by Repulsive Force from using a skill that moves the user. When used, consumes 1 Repulsive Force and deals 310% of Base Damage + 32. Repulsive Force stacks up to 3 times, and when it reaches 3 stacks, it turns into Wave Shot.

Wave Shot
When used, consumes all Repulsive Force stacks to deal 930% of Base Damage + 96 damage and has a(n) 90% chance to apply Collision: Push. When the pushed target hits the wall, it becomes Stunned for 3s.
Damage ▲
280% + 24 / 280% + 26 / 295% + 28 / 295% + 30 / 310% + 32
Wave Shot Damage ▲
840% + 72 / 840% + 78 / 885% + 84 / 885% + 90 / 930% + 96
Successive Damage ▲
840% + 72 / 840% + 78 / 885% + 84 / 885% + 90 / 930% + 96
Wave Shot