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Throne and Liberty Wind Snatcher
Crossbow Skill

Active Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
210 Mana
Skill Type
Use Format
Fires an arrow to deal 100% of Base Damage with a(n) 80% chance to apply a Weaken effect that decreases the target's Movement Speed by 30% for 3s as well as increases the user's Movement Speed by 50% for 3s. Using the skill on a target with a Movement Speed reduction debuff applied by the user adds another stack of Weaken and Binds the target for 2s, decreasing the target's Attack Speed by 15% for 3s while increasing the user's Attack Speed by 25% for 3s.

This skill can only be upgraded with a Precious Growth Book: Omnipotence.
Lvl. 11 - 15
Attack Speed ▲
15% / 17% / 20% / 22% / 25%
Movement Speed ▲
30% / 34% / 40% / 44% / 50%
Unlocks at level 50
Wind Snatcher
Fires an arrow to deal 100% of Base Damage with a(n) 80% chance to apply a Weaken effect that decreases the target's Movement Speed by 30% for 3s as well as increases the user's Movement Speed by [30|34|40|44|50]% for 3s. Using the skill on a target with a Movement Speed reduction debuff applied by the user adds another stack of Weaken and Binds the target for 2s, decreasing the target's Attack Speed by 15% for 3s while increasing the user's Attack Speed by [15|17|20|22|25]% for 3s. This skill can only be upgraded with a Precious Growth Book: Omnipotence.


Damage Transfer
Damage Transfer
Transfers the effect to a nearby opponent within a 5m radius from the target.
Stamina Absorption
Stamina Absorption
Drains 15 Stamina from a target when landing the effect.

This skill is part of the Crossbow weapon type.

Related Skills

Active Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
290 Mana
Skill Type
Use Format
Set Location / Direction
Deals damage equal to 290% of Base Damage + 99. Has a(n) 70% chance to Weaken (decreasing Movement Speed by 30% for 3s) and apply Collision: Push to targets within 100% range inside a 60-degree cone. Reduces the cooldown of Nimble Leap by 15s.
Damage ▲
270% + 79 / 270% + 84 / 280% + 89 / 280% + 94 / 290% + 99
Unlocks at level 9
Active Skill
Lv. 5 Epic
380 Mana
Skill Type
Use Format
Increases Off-Hand Double Attack Chance by 100% for 6s. Successfully applying a stack of Weaken effects within the duration decreases all skill cooldowns by 0.36s. However, having 2 stacks or more only decreases all skill cooldowns by 0.072s.
Each successful attack landed on the target increases the durations of all Weaken effects applied by the user by 0.05s.

The cooldown decreases effect can be stacked up to 10 times within 1 sec.
Does not decrease the cooldown for Selfless Diffusion.
Cooldown ▼
0.3s / 0.315s / 0.33s / 0.345s / 0.36s
Magic Evasion ▲
0.3s / 0.315s / 0.33s / 0.345s / 0.36s
Melee Evasion ▲
0.3s / 0.315s / 0.33s / 0.345s / 0.36s
Movement Speed ▲
80% / 85% / 90% / 95% / 100%
Ranged Evasion ▲
0.3s / 0.315s / 0.33s / 0.345s / 0.36s
Off-Hand Weapon Attack Chance ▲
80% / 85% / 90% / 95% / 100%
If more than 2 stacks, cooldown ▼
0.06s / 0.063s / 0.066s / 0.069s / 0.072s
Unlocks at level 15
Selfless Diffusion