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Skill Setups

Weapon Specialization


There is two rotations to be aware of. Whole build is focused on evasion (Maxing Dexterity) and buff duration/CC chance (Maxing Perception). Staff and Gloves is for reach.

DPS Rotation:
Time for Punishment -> Chain Lightning -> Judgment Lightning -> Inferno Wave
Frost Smokescreen x2 to get distance and repeat rotation.

Serial Fire Bombs has long cast time, avoid using it unless it is VERY SAFE to do so. Ideally you want to be moving all the time not to be caught.

Icebound Tomb and Cursed Nightmare to CC enemies not in front lines, so DPS could push and catch them.

Healing Rotation:
Blessed Barrier -> Swift Healing -> Swift Healing -> Clay's Salvation

High Locus can be used for either DPS or Healing rotation depending on situation to have shorter CDs and more output.


Make sure to rebind the heal to something easy to use and bind a key for self healing and party healing by number, so you would not need to keep changing targets.

For example: Ctrl+1/2/3/4/5 for Party member heals, E for normal heal, Ctrl+E for self heal.


Repurpose Q and E keybinds for something more usable.

1 year ago