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Skill Setups

Weapon Specialization


40% Heavy Attack Chance (80% When shocked/stunned) +16% for 4 seconds after a dash.

1000 Hit Rating

60% Attack Speed (Buffed with Davinci's-85% uptime)

30% Movement Speed (68% when using mobility skill)

43% Skill Damage Boost

800 Stun Chance and 500 Bind Chance


The Build:

  • Great Sword is the main damage in this build, we use the bow for snaring enemies and adding attack speed when standing still. cooldown speed and attack speed help us constantly spam abilities and keep up the bonus heavy attack chance. Crit is low in this build so we aim for triple 50 stats. Attack speed will speed up Valiant Brawl animations and if 3/4 Heavy then its instantly off cooldown. Blitz can be used for for back to back Guillotine Blade or double stuns or double Blood Devotion.
  • With 22% mana cost efficiency, Valiant Brawl will give you +27 mana and +68 health. Support abilities will give us and the group 1400 HP Regen and 2330 Mana Regen. 
7 months ago