This build has access to SO much cooldown speed reduction as well as maxing out your mana so you don't worry about running out of it. You should never have a dull moment with this build, there is no "waiting" for any spells because this rotation is sooo clean!
You will be focusing on using your inferno wave and touch of despair to both apply and keep max stacks of Weaken: Burning on crowds of occupied enemies. This build is truly the best for solo content, co op dungeons, open world pvp (ALWAYS be with a group in open world pvp with this build as you will be a little squishy)
The Skill loadout chosen here focuses on minimizing cooldowns, AOE damage, and being essentially a battery to your team.
For some odd reason on Games Lantern I cannot put specs I used for "Serial Fire Bombs" above. I used the Focused Firebombs and Mobility spec. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT SPELL TO APPLY WEAKING.
No matter the setup, you will always
Due to its nonexistent cooldown, always weave in Touch of Despair when it is up. It is the entire reason we are pouring so much into our burning build.
When these abilities are done, use judgment lightning and chain lightning however you'd like.
Inner peace should only be used at around 500/1000 mana left as it will fill up your mana bar to full.. use this as needed.
Blessed Barrier will turn into a battery for DPS when you spec it into Fighting Spirit Barrier. This increases the target's damage output by quite a bit, I like to use this on xbow/dag users when they are spinning in AOE. For single target I usually find a greatsword or longbow user since their single target is very strong.
Invincible Wall should be used when you know a boss will do AOE
Swift Healing is your main single target heal. Use this as needed. This will EAT your mana if you spam it though.
Clay's Salvation your only AOE heal. Use as needed..High Focus turns all healing abilities into very short CDs.
And of course, use Inner Peace as needed.
I have a lot of food that I use but I will ALWAYS have some healthy milk since my mana is my baby and I like to have it full at all times. Mana potions, healing potions, anything that increases my defense/attack.
You should find out which ones fit your needs.
His mana regen is really nice! If you do not like this one or do not feel like you need it, check out the shield gen or the shade revenant guardians.
Hope this helps! Add me on disc @viafawncx if you have any questions.