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PVP - Xbow/Dagger

PVP - Xbow/Dagger
Build for Throne and Liberty

TiuMestreRX 9 months ago

Skill Setups

Weapon Specialization


Early on, you may want to switch out Predatory strike for Recoil Fire since that does more damage before getting predatory strike to Epic and getting a purple dagger.


Evasion 30% Proc happens quite often in PVP so I'd recommend using it, however some other ones you can change it out for are the Stealth CD Reduction, CD Reduction on Enfeeble Procs, or Additional Crit Damage Reduction.


# Crossbow / Dagger Recommended Traits (PVE AND PVP)
* Weapons:
*  Heavy Attack
*  Hit
*  Crit
*  Attack Speed (Take this in replace of one of the Hit Traits if/when available)


* Armor: 
*  Max Health
*  Melee Evasion (Should try and get 1000+ not including Crossbow's "Detection" Passive )
*  Ranged Evasion (Should be around 1500+ when adding Dagger's Passive)
*  Magic Evasion (Should be around 1500+ when adding Dagger's Passive)
*  Cooldown Speed (When available)
*  Attack Speed (#1 Priority on Gloves)
*  Buff Duration (When Available)
*  Move Speed (Only applicable for some boots)


* Belt / Cloak / Bracers
*  Max Health
*  Skill Damage Resistance
*  Debuff Duration (Only viable if you're stacking it)

* Rings / Necklace
*  Max Health
*  Skill Damage Boost
*  Buff Duration (Need to stack it so don't waste lucent if you'll only have one item with it. Spend lucent getting the others up first)


9 months ago