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Mortar Mage

Mortar Mage
Build for Throne and Liberty

dontrip 7 months ago

Skill Setups

Weapon Specialization


63% Increased Range - Staff primary at 17.6M (Buffed to 28M Range)

  • Staff as primary for the 3% Crit per 1M away from target (Skill on Staff)
  • Bow Passive 2.4% Crit and 0.9% Crit Damage per 1M away from target
  • At max range we get 151% Crit Chance and 25% Crit Damage buff.


21% Attack Speed 

  • 20% additional attack speed and 10% Hit when standing still - Bow Passive
  • 6% additional attack speed for 6 seconds when using Nature's Blessing - Per Ally in the AOE (Skill on Bow)


58% Cooldown and 68% GCD for 12 seconds when using High Locus - Staff Ability (75 Second Cooldown)

  • Blitz will reset this so you can double cycle the skill
  • 37% CDR puts it on a 47 Second Cooldown
  • 37% Buff Duration increased the duration to 16.5 seconds


24% Heavy Attack Chance

  • 10% Additional when standing still (Mage Passive)
  • 10% Additional when 10x burn stack are on target (Mage Passive)


24% Skill Damage

  • 14% Additional for the cost of 15% Mana Efficiency (We have 22% so this reduces us down to 7% Mana Efficiency)


24% Chance per staff auto attack to send another projectile with 150% dmg and adds a burn stack.

7 months ago