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Throne and Liberty A Joint Declaration of the Allied Resistance Forces

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We hereby announce our agreement to form a Resistance Army against the Arkeum Legion. Below are the main details of that agreement. First, the Resistance Army's primary goal is to defeat the Arkeum Legion and to regain our freedom. Second, security and oversight of each territory shall be divided among the Laslan Resistance and the Stonegard Resistance, just as before. Third, military actions and operations to stop the Arkeum Legion shall not be bound by territorial borders. Fourth, major operations involving the Arkeum Legion shall be commanded by the leader of the Laslan Resistance, DaVinci Aron. Fifth, the operation and growth of the Resistance shall be overseen by the leader of the Stonegard Resistance group, Jacque Hander. Sixth, this agreement is valid until the day the Arkeum Legion is defeated and Solisium fully regains its freedom. Signed: Leader of Laslan Resistance, DaVinci Aron Leader of Stonegard Resistance, Jacque Hander