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Throne and Liberty A Tax Evasion Plan

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TO: Krail, Arkeum Infiltration Squad We have received a tip that the tax delivery from Vienta Village to Stonegard Castle will soon take place. Therefore, the mission is a go. This mission must be conducted in secret, so the following mission details must be observed. OBJECTIVE: Steal the tax funds from the Titan Cargo. BRIEFING DETAILS: 1. Time and date - Exact details of date and time only available closer to delivery. This information will be obtained through the regular informant, codename Dune Fox, who is currently stationed in Vienta. 2. Mission start - When the Titan Cargo carrying the tax funds departs, send a messenger pigeon about its location to the Sandflame team who is gathered at the rendezvous point. 3. Reinforcement plan - As soon as the target departs the village, use a messenger pigeon to begin preparation for activating Chaos Golem-17. Once it approaches the castle walls, activate Chaos Golem-17 and begin the attack.

4. Retreat plan - If we fail to steal the tax funds even with Chaos Golem-17, avoid wasting any more resources and retreat quickly. 5. Mission complete - Retreat as soon as the target has been secured. Payment for the Sandflame team will be collected by the infiltration team and given to the reinforcement squad, then delivered by reinforcement squad leader Brennon. If the hostile faction of Stonegard's current ruling guild joins the battle, it can tilt the battle in our favor. Therefore, if there is enough time, use the Vienta spy network to spread information about the time and date of the tax transport. Over. FROM: Aubrey, Arkeum Stonegard Infiltration Squad Leader