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Throne and Liberty Basic Amitoi Mechanics

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Rise of the Amitoi Davi Heavens, a student in the Venelux Magic Academy, had a habit of talking to her doll into her dorm room before sleep. She talked to it about everything: about what happened at school, how she missed her family, her plans for the future... When she talked to her doll, she felt as if the doll was really listening to her, like a close friend. As she neared graduation, she took out the cloth scraps and buttons that she had been collecting, and beautifully decorated her doll. Her mother, who was a tailor, had taught Davi all that she knew, which Davi applied to beautify her doll. And when she breathed in the power of the spirits using the magic schematics she learned, the first Amitoi was born. This little friend became an instant hit among the girls of the Venelux Magic Academy... as well as with their professors who saw the educational benefits of Davi's little "hybrid art and magic project." Eventually, "Amitoi Construction 101" became a mandatory course for beginner mages. It was incredibly popular and Davi Heavens became a professor and a lecturer of Venelux after diligently researching those creatures after her own graduation.

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Magical Fundamental of Amitoi - Elements and Diagrams A young student of the magic academy mostly conducts their first experiments through illusions. This is done for their safety. After completing their basic training, they then begin experimenting with actual elements. The first experiment that they perform is to create a moving slime using a water magic schema and a glass of water. Elements refer to the energies that make up everything in this world. Overall, they are represented by earth, fire, water, and wind. But when examined closely, any and all things in the world have their own energy. To use elemental energy, you need three ingredients: The element or an environment where that element can be extracted from, a way to gather the elemental energy, and a way to command the gathered elemental energy.

1) The element or an environment where that element can be extracted from There are 5 basic elements. If you cannot obtain earth, fire, water, wind, or life (plants) directly, you need a general environment where those energies can be extracted from. In the case of water, one example would be a location with high humidity. 2) A way to gather the elemental energy To gather the elemental energy, sound or diagrams are used. As one learns in the basic course, to perform magic, one must first be calm. When ready, either the "chant," i.e. a sound that gathers the energy, must be performed, or a schema must be drawn with a specific tool. 3) A way to command the gathered elemental energy After one has gathered the elemental energy using a chant or a 1st-level diagram, one must change their state of mind and begin the command by chanting the second spell or through the schema.

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Amitoi Creation Example - Creating a Plant-type Amitoi Normally, one uses a diagram to both gather and command the elemental energy for creating an Amitoi Unlike a chant, a magic schema is barely affected by time. So for an Amitoi which needs to move and form a personality, schemas tend to be more suitable. An Amitoi's schema consists of three stages. They are gathering, operation, and growth commands. As a concrete example, let's look at a plant-type Amitoi. In the first stage, use the first gathering schema to gather the elemental energy in an area rich with plant energy, such as a forest. In the second stage, the gathered energy follows the schema's path and fills the Amitoi's body with the energy necessary for animation. As the Amitoi may move erratically at this stage, caution is advised. In the final stage, a rudimentary consciousness and personality with the potential for growth is formed, which is analogous to a human's soul. Please note that its consciousness and personality are also affected by the shape of its body and the type of the element energy used to create it.