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Throne and Liberty Belluatan's Revelations

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I dreamed every single day for a whole year. And Sylaveth showed me what will happen to this world through that dream. The grand scheme of Sylaveth will begin on the day when the stars, the sun, the moon, and the earth are all aligned. The goddess Sylaveth's will for the end of everything is the promise of a new beginning.

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When the red moon shines on a pitch-black night, a man who burns his own soul will appear. He holds the sword of heaven and embraces the heart of a dragon, riding a horse billowing red smoke. The moment he has harvested ten thousand violet souls, he will break the shell and be born anew as the gleaming Crimson Knight of Ruin. Endless war and famine will spread across each path the Knight of Ruin walks after opening the Gate of Destruction.

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The end of everything is the beginning of a new world. All those who wish to defend the world to the last will perish at the hands of the Crimson Knight of Ruin. The messengers of the Goddess summoned to earth by him will bring about the Seven Great Disasters. With this, the sublime will of the goddess Sylaveth will come to pass.