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Throne and Liberty How to Pick a Fight

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Although people say that the being the first one to strike is the most important thing in winning a fight, a true fighter knows better. It's not just about winning or losing, but how you fight is also important. This is why I prefer an organized fair one on one duel. But young adventurers nowadays don't seem to have the stomach for such a thing. So many of them just run away whenever I ask for a fight. I thirst for a quality battle and it's like a desert out there of cowards! The only way I've found to solve this is to somehow trick these youths into joining me in the world of competition. I've spent countless nights thinking about how to go about this, and now I, Jonathan Punch, have discovered several effective ways to start a fight. First, needlessly lecture your opponent about all sorts of things.

Lecturing is a time-proven way to taunt someone. If you approach an adventurer knee deep in hunting and prattle at them all sorts of advice, you will be able to trigger their urge to fight. One thing to note is that the lecture really has to be about "useless" info. Here are some examples. "Wow, you've got some pretty good gear. You might even be able to handle Gigantrite." "Wow, you really let that one run away? Are you taking a nap?" "Tsk, I'm just trying to be helpful here." Comments like these that give no actual help, but disrupt their concentration is the best way to goad someone into fighting. (Additionally, making rude gestures towards the person while lecturing can multiply this effect.)

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If your opponent insists on ignoring you even after your lecturing, your patience becomes important. There's even a proverb about it, "Little strokes fell great oaks." That means, keep being persistent and chase the opponent to goad them into fighting. The following is a list of things I did to repeatedly trigger my opponents. - Follow them and "sprinkle salt" in their direction - Watch their fighting and look "disinterested" - "Cheer" when they make a mistake Keep doing these things, and they surely won't be able to ignore you any longer. Even the most cowardly adventurers won't be able to resist offering up a challenge.

Moreover, my way of starting a fight can make the situation more advantageous for me by upsetting their temper. There is no easier opponent than an irrational one. The reader may think that this is an underhanded tactic, but I consider this as a legitimate way to achieve victory. After all, the true battle starts even before the first weapon is swung. Thanks to my newfound strategy, I was able to get in 10,002 fights so fa with a record of 9,999 victories and 3 draws. I also gained the title of the greatest fighter in this generation. And now after so much success, I feel as if it's my duty to help out the next generation of duelists. May your path be lit with victory. - A super strong adventurer, Jonathan Punch