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Throne and Liberty The Day Stonegard Castle Fell

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It was a night of exceptionally heavy rain. It was as if there was a hole in the sky and a river was pouring on us from the heavens. Even over the sound of rainfall, I heard a strange noise and looked out my window to see the village elders screaming and running towards the gate. My father had gone to Vienta and was supposed to be back the next day. It made me afraid to sit all alone in an empty house. I opened the door for no reason and peeped at the street, then I saw a familiar neighbor. Curiosity must have gotten the better of me and I thoughtlessly followed the man and went out into the street. I couldn't see very well because of the rain, but I kept moving forward. When I came to my senses, I found myself in a crowd of unfamiliar people, being swept away somewhere. When I suddenly raised my head, there was a huge tower in front of me. I was shivering with cold and fear when someone grabbed my belt. It was my brother, Ethan who took special care of me. He looked fierce and was angry, but it was so loud that I couldn't hear him well. I was pushed back and forth and dragged to the entrance of the sewers. He told me to go into the sewers. I cried and begged, but he didn't care.

The rain had stopped, but water was still dripping in the stairs leading down to the sewer. As I hesitated, Ethan kicked me to get me to go down the steps. I felt as if my whole body was frozen in the cold water, but I couldn't go back because I was scared of Ethan's anger more than whatever was down there. As I slowly made my way down, holding onto the wall, I could see some rusty steel bars dimly. Hanging back and thinking of what to do, I heard a sharp sound of metal striking. It was the sound of swords striking. Finally I realized what was going on. Arkeum Troops had broken down the gate and invaded. I remembered what my father had said about them, that the Arkeum troops eat people. I hurriedly pushed myself through the bars and fled into the sewer. When I finally exited the other end of the sewer, everything behind me was red. The flames from the tower were reflected on walls of the nearby homes. I was worried about Ethan, but my feet didn't move at all. When I barely came to my senses, I was running out of the town without realizing it. I cried and ran through the acrid smoke.