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Throne and Liberty The End of Fernan the Tyrant

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End of Fernan the Tyrant Chapter 1. Evil Tyrant Fernan Lord Fernan Barvo of Stonegard was known as the most malicious, foolish, and avaricious person in all of Solisium. He tormented his people by demanding they pay outrageous taxes with high interest rates. He secretly hired bandits to kill and steal from merchants that crossed the desert. Jacque Hander, the leader of the Stonegard Resistance, sent a letter that rebuked him and demanded that he stop. However, Fernan simply ignored him and continued his evil deeds. Jacque finally decided to take action to save the people who were tormented under Fernan's rule.

The Stonegard Resistance formed an alliance with the angry residents. Together, they concentrated on stealing goods that were being transported by Fernan and the Arkeum Allied Forces. These supplies were then distributed to the residents who had been exploited. Fernan was enraged that the Resistance weas stealing from him but, instead of crushing this rebellion, he simply... disappeared without a trace. The reason for this is surprisingly simple: He knew that if Reville Lupius found out that he was under attack by the Resistance, he would be stripped of his position as lord.

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Chapter 2. Foolish Lord Fernan While pondering his predicament, two dwarves and a strange young girl visited Fernan. She said they had crossed the ocean from the Hakkad Kingdom and introduced themselves as Henderson, Louie, and Sienna. They claimed to be professors from the Royal Golem Research Lab. Sienna told him she had something special to show him and took out a small stone doll and a red pebble from her bag. As she placed the red pebble inside the stone doll's empty heart, the dwarves raised their hands and danced while singing a strange song as a cloud of smoke enveloped the girl and her toy. "What on earth are you doing in front of His Grace?!" The guards rushed in to put an end to the strange show, but a heavy arm appeared from the smoke and pushed them away. The small doll had turned into a large golem and was subduing the guards. In shock, Fernan ordered the guards to stand down, and then Sienna spoke to him.

"Your Grace, I can give you the power to command a golem that is ten times bigger and stronger than this one to defeat the Resistance once and for all." As soon as she spoke, Fernan broke out into laughter. The girl said there was a catch, though. She would need ample funds and workers, in order to find a legendary stone called the "Heart of the Ancient Giant" and make him a giant golem that could annihilate the Resistance. After much consideration, Fernan decided to pay them what they demanded. They hired as many stonemasons as possible to create the body of a large golem using boulders from the quarry camp. While they transported the large stones, Fernan's soldiers were charged with fighting off the nearby basilisks. The army suffered heavy casualties in this effort. Once the giant golem was completed, Fernan could hardly contain his excitement at finally being able to destroy the Resistance once and for all.

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Chapter 3. End of the Greedy Lord Sienna's team extracted more funds in order to mount an expedition to find the "Heart of the Ancient Giant": a legendary stone that was needed to operate the giant golem. Once they left, Fernan coldly gave instructions to his guards to kill Sienna and her team the moment the golem had been activated. When Sienna's team returned with the stone, Fernan urged them to quickly activate the golem. After Sienna inserted the Golem's Heart, she told Fernan that they must hold a ritual that would allow him to become the eternal owner of the golem. The ritual required him to dance inside a large wooden chest while reciting the spell of resurrection.

When Fernan finally emerged from the chest after reciting the spell, he saw that the giant golem had already destroyed the castle gate under Sienna's orders and the fort was now completely under Resistance control. It turned out that the girl was actually Sienna Parsons, the genius engineer of the Resistance, and the dwarves were Louie Hayson and Henderson Harmon, who were also members of the movement. Fernan was captured by the Resistance and imprisoned in the castle basement. However, rumor has it that someone helped him escape.