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Throne and Liberty The Great Siege

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Inspiring words that led the siege to victory: Only those who can imagine beyond the castle wall may become masters of the castle. - Carl Biroun - The difference between winning or losing in Siege Warfare is the difference between those who stop now and those who are willing to go one step further. - Kean Nils -

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To smile in a siege, you must learn to endure pain and even more, enjoy the pain. - Ins Iin - The reason why you failed in the siege was not because of lack of ability, but because you couldn't find a proper tactic and couldn't execute it. -Jay Alon- The flow always comes. There are only good times and bad times for the coming flow. The only way to seize victory is to do your best to endure when the flow is against you, and to attack as much as possible when the flow is in your favor, by finding and making use of a good opportunity. -Pio Rodriguez- The path to victory always has a wall just ahead of us, a wall we want to overcome but cannot. But if only one person can overcome... If I or you overcome it, we are one step closer to the victory. -Pio Rodriguez-

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There is always a way. - Carl Whicher - The masses always seek the oft-treaded path, even if they get hurt. Taking the safe path is sure to end with an obstacle. Wherever you may be, the first step you take creates a new path, whether it be through the wind buffeting against you, over the water, or beyond the wall. That is the path we will take. My people, knock on that door! - Raein Ritean - My friends! Knock on that door. Just one knock won't do. Knock more! Even if it still won't open. Try one last time! Knock! And if it still doesn't open, keep knocking and make sure it does next time.