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Throne and Liberty The Journal of a Sylaveth Priest

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Day 1 I finally arrived at the Temple of Sylaveth. It's been exactly one month since I followed Master Alaister on this journey. The temple is truly massive. And so somber! Everyone here walks around with their faces buried in their robes. I was assigned to the Brotherhood of Peace. My master says that I will learn about mysterious doctrines and magic from its members. People here are quiet and serious, but I kind of like seeing them working quietly on their own things. Thanks to my master, I can leave behind my old life on the farm and my drunkard father's beatings. I am so grateful for him.

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Day 5 Two days have passed since Master left. I am getting used to the disgusting and (a little bloody) meat porridge now. I started learning ancient characters from a new master yesterday. I continue to pray and meditate at the appointed times. Everyone rarely talks, so I'm a bit lonely, but my mind and thoughts are getting clearer. According to the Book, everything in the world is connected by and to death. Sylaveth presides over the eternal rest of death and one day, death and life will be united. Today, I met with a friend named Rupert. He says that not a year has passed since he came here. He told me that once a year, new priests go through a promotion ceremony called the Enlightenment of Silence.

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Day 50 Today, while meditating, I had a strange experience. I felt as if I had become one with a wondrous being, floating in the air. The feeling lasted just a passing second, but it was so intense that I keep thinking about it over and over and over again. This must be a special revelation from Sylaveth. Rupert said he had a similar experience a few months ago. I was a little disappointed to hear that. He is excited about the Enlightenment of Silence ritual that's happening in a few days.

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Day 53 I need to thank my father. Through my memories of him, I feel I can now truly understand the words of Sylavean scriptures. Forgiveness or spiritual love that seems noble are deceptions. Revenge against those who tormented me is the true light that illuminates the world. It seems that the more I learn the doctrine, the more I realize the way the outside world works. I feel the heavy burdens on my shoulders disappearing and my soul becoming free.

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Day 206 Perhaps as a result of my hard work, I was given the honorable task of transcribing ancient documents in the library. It is said that ancient documents contain the wisdom of this age and are the key to solving the mysteries of the universe. My first instinct was to gloat about my good fortune, as is the way... but I haven't seen Rupert for a while.

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I can't remember how many days have passed. I found Rupert. I transgressed and went to the Forbidden Area and there he was... shuffling around mindlessly, a living corpse. And there were others, too. It is clear that the ritual leaves you as a soulless slave. So many there. And all terrible liches like Rupert. Scary. I feel my heart is about to explode. This temple is a place of madness! Damn it! I should've known when that drunkard took money for sending me here! I have to get out of here alive by any means... No matter the cost...!