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Throne and Liberty Goblin King Gaitan

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I, Griffron, take up the pen to praise the omnipotence of the great and revered Emperor of the goblins, Gaitan the Great! Gaitan the Great pitied the plight of the goblins, who had long been looked down upon by humans. After many days of agonizing thought, he decided to stand up to the humans. He met Soleil, a Dark Elf who studied black magic, and gained great power. Great King Gaitan was finally reborn with Soleil's blood and ancient magic! Great King Gaitan was covered from head to toe red skin, hard like armor! Great King Gaitan grew larger than any other goblin! Great King Gaitan then sought out our goblins who were tired of being persecuted by humans and gave them his own blood! Under him, we goblins became one!

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Gaitan the Great took us to smash the villages of the evil humans! The shameless humans begged for their lives at his feet! But Lord Gaitan was merciless! With a single sentence from the Great King that all humans must die, the humans fell! Their blood flowed into the sea, and the red waves crashed! The waves crashed again and again and again! And just like that, our Bloodwave Clan was complete! But it's not over yet. Gaitan the Great seeks to unite all the goblin clans and conquer the world! We, the Bloodwaves, will always believe in and follow the incomparable Gaitan the Great! That is the way for all goblins!