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Throne and Liberty Jeremiah's Records

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The elemental spirit of light, Shiky, was completely pure.

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While venturing through Talandre, I stumbled across the Temple of Truth. For centuries, the Temple of Truth was thought only to be a legend. But when the lake flooded, its hidden entrance was revealed. While looking around the temple, I found a collapsed, tiny elemental light spirit. It was a rare elemental spirit that was created through ancient elven magic. I pitied it and its slow death, so I devoted my power to it for weeks, helping it to fully recover. After it got back on its feet, the spirit followed me like I was its father. I named it Shiky and gave it my love. Shiky was the name that the elves gave the elemental spirit of light in the ancient legends. Soon after, it fully recovered and started restoring the temple, ordering the stone golems around, as if protecting the temple was its job. I was quite proud of it.

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At that point, I did not foresee the tragedy that we would face. In hindsight, the name that I gave it wasn't a great idea. Like the Shiky from the legends, it became a dark elemental- Shaikal. I entered the temple like normal one day, but instantly realized something was wrong. The stone golems were contaminated by dark magic and Shiky was nowhere to be found. I set about to using my tracking schema to search for it. After a few days of pursuit, I arrived at a wasteland where a Diabolica rift was located. Lost in the wasteland, I heard someone screaming in agony, as if they were being ripped apart. I followed the scream, and I found a dark elemental in shackles, seething with bloodlust. I could tell it was Shiky at once.

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Sylavean Shadowmancers were surrounding it, pouring dark magic into Shiky and transforming it into Shaikal. I couldn't control the sudden surge of emotions and tears filled my eyes, blinding me. I had to run away, but before I knew it, I was walking closer to Shaikal. When I woke up, Shaikal was just staring at me. Did it recognize me...? When I held my hand out, it started to get worked up again. I don't know how I left the place and came home. After a few days of consideration, I made a pair of Amitoi for Shaikal. One was a doll of Shiky in its original form, and the other was Shaikal. At daybreak, I'll visit Shaikal again and give these to it as a gift. I hope it knows how I feel...

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If I think about what the Sylaveans did to Shiky after kidnapping it, tormenting it with twisted magic, my blood still boils.