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Throne and Liberty To the Pirate King Adelico

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To Pirate King Adelico Greetings, Adelico. My name is Hemer, and I praise you. I heard of your heroic, seafaring exploits from my grandmother. You're really amazing- how did you win so many battles? I begged Grandma to tell me more because the stories are so interesting and nagged her several times. The reason I'm writing this letter is because I'm very curious about something. I bet you're thinking I want to know about the legendary gold coins that disappeared with you, but no.

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I'm not curious like the others are about where your gold went, Adelico. I don't know why everyone only talks about gold coins when it comes to you. After all, they belong to you. Grandma taught me I shouldn't be greedy about what others have. So, I don't want to ask about the gold coins. My grandmother died last year. I was so sad... My brother and I cried for a week. I still feel blue when I think about her. I miss her so much.

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Now there's no one to tell me and my brother tales about you, Adelico. I am organizing Grandma's stories because I don't want to forget them. I'm putting together what I remember and what my brother Yokiru remembers. But I'm very curious about something. I heard that you killed five people with every stroke of your sword in the Battle of Daybreak Shore. But I also heard that thirty-nine people were killed in that battle. So, one of those times you killed four people. When did those four people die? Did you kill the last four survivors all at once?

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My brother Yokiru says you killed those four in the beginning just as a warm up. He says that's what Grandma said. I never heard that from Grandma. My brother would never admit I'm right. That's why I'm writing to you now. I can't ask my grandmother, so could the great pirate king Adelico answer my question? I'm looking forward to your reply. Thank you. With Respect, Hemer aka the Pirate King's Biggest Fan