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Throne and Liberty A Letter Left by the Right-Hand Man of Kazar

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I have seen many sides of Kazar in my time as his henchman, but I have never been more afraid of him than I was yesterday. Not long ago, in the course of clearing out the rebels, we captured a whole family of villagers who were in league with them. We had planned to take them straight to the camp to be executed, in keeping with Kazar's policy of showing no mercy to prisoners. But Kazar had a different idea. He summoned the father and offered to free his family if he would do the honor of executing the other rebels in the camp. The man seemed conflicted at first... but then he nodded, realizing that he could abandon his beliefs to save his children. Of course, I, who knew Kazar better than anyone, could not understand his offer. And my questions would not be answered until the day of the prisoners' execution.

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The day of the execution arrived, and the man showed up with an axe to keep his promise. He began to kill the hooded members of the Resistance, one by one. He did so in cold blood, without shedding a single tear. It was only after killing the last remaining member of the Resistance that the man realized that those he had killed were actually his three sons. Kazar had no intention of showing them mercy in the first place. He smiled with great satisfaction as the man cried out in anguish. The hearty laughter from beneath his black helm made my blood freeze. I realized in that moment that the only thing that could save me from a similar fate was to never give Kazar any doubt that I was on his side. So, if you wish to remain in the favor of the Arkeum Legion (or keep your head), remember this: Only unwavering loyalty to Kazar can save you.