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Throne and Liberty Canina Village Guard's Journal

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Damn! What kind of a monster was this Wolf King? I don't care about the treasure he buried, I'm just tired of having to deal with the lycans going on a rampage over the monument every full moon! Instead of telling his descendants that they would grow stronger if they found his hidden artifact, he should have left it in plain sight. What's with all the hiding under the monument? Did he like the idea of a treasure hunt so much? Ugh, I need to calm down. Anyway, we have to recruit adventurers... again! This time, we'd better find the monument containing the artifact, or at least make it impossible to open. Otherwise, those dangerous lycans will continue to terrorize our lumberjacks. Oh and I need to figure out a way of organizing this to explain to our newest recruit, Kevin.

First, we'll hunt the lycans, collect their moonlight runes, and use them on the Wolf King's enchanted monument stone to open his grave. That way, we can take the artifact buried there. The catch is, with so many monuments, it's hard to tell which one is enchanted. It'd be easy if there were just one or two... but there are seven of them, including the New Moon, Waxing Moon, Waning Moon, Full Moon... the Something Else Moon... I can't even name them all. Flint mentioned that we might be able to figure out which one it is if we pieced together all of the lycans' clues... But that doesn't make sense. If it's a spell made by their ancestors, how could they not know what it is? All I can say for certain is that the Wolf King was definitely a few fleas short of a circus headwise, if you catch my drift. Anyway, we'll have to try again! And this time, we'll succeed and put the lycans' noses to the grindstone!