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Throne and Liberty Diary of a Young Orc

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I'm scared, I'm frightened, and I'm terrified! Kraak... I don't want to become a Shadow Orc. I hate anything that hurts. I don't want that kind of pain! And I really don't want to die. Help me...

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The strongest orc in the world is the Elder, but Shadow Orcs are even stronger than him. The Elder said that he would make me into a Shadow Orc, too. Kraak... But it sounds terrible! The older orcs said you have to participate in a ritual and that it hurts a lot. They said they saw it themselves! They said that during the ritual, your flesh and bones become new. And that it hurts even more than being struck with an axe one hundred times or burning alive! They said that it hurts so much, you can even go mad and die. I'm fine just the way I am, so why do I have to become a Shadow Orc? I don't want to suffer like that. I want to run away, kraak! But if they catch me, they will kill me.