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Throne and Liberty Discovering Stonegard's Delicacies

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"Stonegard Specialties" By Jaimy Ramzy Stonegard was a rich and vibrant breadbasket that sadly turned into a desert overnight. Fortunately, wizards were there to help the farmers continue growing some crops such as grapes. But most of these crops were only available to the rich, so the commoners wound up losing much of their food options. I, Jamie Ramzy, tried my best to improve the horrible dietary life of the commoners while working at Stonegard Castle as a special chef. But my attempts went nowhere as the ruler never felt this was an issue worth pursuing. Then the Resistance came to drive away the tyrant and restored freedom to this region. I thought it important to remember Stonegard's tough years. The following are recipes that sustained the commoners of Stonegard during their years of exploitation.

"Stonegard Bouillabaisse" The sea of Stonegard is good for fishing, but the lord of Stonegard was greedy and levied a heavy tax on the local fishermen. Anything they caught was usually preserved in Salt after their heads and tails were removed. The quality meat was then sent to their lord as a tax payment, leaving behind only the unwanted heads and tails. The commoners would cook these remainders with potatoes, peeled cacti, and sour wine. This is the origin of the Stonegard Bouillabaisse. This deep-boiled, thick fish soup with various herbs, spices, cacti, and wine is a favorite dish by almost everyone in the region. The better the quality of ingredients, the better the taste.

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Ingredients: Main - 600 reels of various fish parts, 1/2 bottle of Vienta wine Sub - Herbs and spices Method: 1. Remove scales from the fish and chop the bones and skin into little pieces. 2. Mix the Vienta wine and sea water in a 2:1 ratio and fill the pot. 3. Add preferred herbs and spices. Garlic is recommended. 4. Boil the fish for hours until the bones melt and the skin softens. 5. Remove any remaining hard skin or bones and serve.

People used sour wine and sea water because they couldn't afford refined salt. But ironically, they turned out to be the key elements that made this dish truly special. A beautiful dish made by commoners with the ingredients that no one cared for... I dare say this is the spirit of the Resistance. Fun Fact: The name "bouillabaisse" was originates from a southern dialect of Stonegard; "bouill" which means to boil and "abaisse" which means to "simmer." so "bouillabaisse" means "boil and simmer."

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"Dawn Crab Platter" When the ruler of Stonegard drove people to hunger with his exploitative policies, the starving people took notice of the large crabs at Daybreak Shore. These crabs were very big and vicious, making them hardly ideal prey. But the hungry people came up with a way to trap them using iron boxes, and it was very successful. (That's why you sometimes see crabs wearing boxes on the beach.) Their organs and body parts are usually cooked as a bouillabaisse, and their tails and pincers are cooked as a platter. The flesh under the hard shell may seem too tough for cooking, but steaming makes it quite chewy and edible.

Ingredients: Main - Tails and pincers from crabs and lobsters, 1/2 bottle of Vienta Wine Sub - Herbs and spices Method: 1. Add the tails and pincers from the crabs and lobsters into a large pot and prepare to steam them. 2. Pour in the wine and boil only using the wine. 3. When they are fully cooked, take them out from the pot and use a hammer to crush the shells. Then, serve. The wine will remove any fishy smell that might linger. Adding spices and herbs will make it even better. Also, you don't have to add salt because the ingredients are already salted with the sea water. Melted butter is also a popular dip.

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"Canina Forest Goulash" The Canina Forest is the only green area in Stonegard, and that's how the old recipes survived in this area. Canina Village is a logging village surrounded by lycans living in the forest. The village hunters often hunt the wolves that the lycans keep, using their furs and meat. Wolf meat is very tough and pungent, but that doesn't stop the Canina villagers from using it as their main cooking ingredient. After steaming and simmering for a long time, even the chewiest wolf meat can become a hearty, even tasty, stew. Ingredients: Main - Large portions of game meat, a handful of fresh mushrooms Additions - a handful of salt, a bulb of garlic, herbs, and a mandrake root

Method: 1. Trim and portion the meat to the size you prefer, and then put it all in the water to remove any remaining blood. 2. Separate the mushroom caps from the stems and cut them all to the size you prefer. 3. Put the meat, mushrooms, peeled garlic, and salt into a pot. Add enough water and a mandrake root, and boil. 4. Boil them for about two hours until the meat turns soft. Check the pot and add more water if it's drying out. Then, add some of the prepared herbs and boil for another thirty minutes uncovered. 5. When the cooking is complete, sprinkle on the remaining herbs and serve.

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Mandrakes are usually harvested near the Abandoned Stonemason Town and exported to other places. It is said that Fernan's men who were sent to Canina Village first started using it to cover the smell from wolf meat. Mandrakes are also a good source of energy, so this Canina Forest wolf meat stew with mushrooms and mandrakes became popular with tired hunters and loggers.