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Throne and Liberty Duke Magna's Experiment Records

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This series of dark magic experiments was devised with the purpose of turning Akidu orcs into weapons wielded by Arkeum. On our 27th test, we created a strong weapon called King Verte. It was flawed, though. Condensed dark powers took full control of King Verte's mind, making it hard to control. Due to this, we are midway through another attempt at the experiment so that we may better control violence and anger levels.

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To select the best test subject for this experiment, we began recruiting dignified orc warriors to serve Tuaren as his sword. However, in order to make the orcs enthusiastically apply for this, we did not disclose any information about the experiment. As a result, we were able to select Duke Magna, the perfect test subject. Then, to successfully infuse the star fragment power, we proceeded with the following. First, until the experiment concludes, the test subject is not allowed food or water. Only transfusions of demonic beast blood are permitted. Second, give it the most excruciating of all pains to make it lose its mind. If the test subject becomes ready after the above process, we will be on the precipice of creating the ultimate murder weapon.

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It's been 665 days since we began the experiment on test subject Duke Magna. During this time, the test subject couldn't control its instinct to destroy, leading to an accident. After that incident, it lost itself and started obeying orders. It was in a perfect state for the test. As soon as we infused the power of a star fragment, Duke Magna became a stronger weapon than the previous test subjects. Of course, it wasn't ready for an actual battle just yet, but seeing its absolute obedience, we believe that it'll be easier to control than King Verte. But just in case it disobeys Tuaren's orders, we must keep our eyes on it.