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Throne and Liberty Eastern Guard Post Work Log

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November 8th Officers: Harley Hamilton, Rim Sajad 06:00: Shift, no handover. 08:00: Began patrolling Chestnut Rock Hill. 10:07: Killed 3 Grayclaw Fighters, no casualties. 12:00: Began patrolling Grayclaw Campsite. 13:28: Returned to Eastern Observation Post. Officer Signature: Dapper Harley Hey, Harden, your mom sent you a packed lunch and snacks again. Tell her we enjoyed it and that her food is always appreciated. Officer Signature: Rim Harden, I left your share in the basket under the table. Aaaaaand Harley is eating it now. Never mind. Hahaha!

November 8th Officers: John Austin, David Ross 14:00: Shift, no handover. 15:18: Assisted in search for missing person Mia Berry, female, age 8. 15:25: Began searching Chestnut Rock Hill. 17:53: Began searching Grayclaw Campsite. 18:38: Began searching Wolf King Waterfall. 19:07: Mia Berry confirmed recovered, alive. - Recovered Location: Steel Credit Union Storage (report from Manager Gilda) 21:32: Returned to Eastern Guard Post. Officer Signature: John Austin Recommended to Ms. Margaret that Mia be grounded for one month. Officer Signature: Ross Mia hates Uncle Austin the most in the Watch. Poor Austin—he went into the water on this cold day for her!

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November 15th, Officers: John Austin, David Ross 22:00: Shift started. Horace Allen, Gregory Mayer not returned. 22:03: Reported to higher-ups. 22:17: Began searching Chestnut Rock Hill. 25:18: Began searching Grayclaw Campsite. 27:03: Began searching Wolf King Waterfall. 28:11: Began searching Wolf King Hill. - Gregory Mayer's body confirmed. (Southwest slope) 29:32: Returned to Eastern Guard Post. 29:48: Reported to higher-ups. Officer Signature: John Austin Officer Signature: Ross Please, Allen. Stay alive.

November 16th, Officers: Harley Hamilton, Rim Sajad 06:00: Shift, missing person search status handover. 08:13: Gregory Mayer's body recovered. (Harden and 5 others) 09:15: Began searching the Grassy Goblin Graveyard. 10:02: Began searching south side of Wolf King's Hill. 12:08: Began searching Lycans' Hall. - Left upper arm found, presumably Horace Allen's (in byway to the right of the main entrance). 12:37: Requested cooperation in investigating Western Observation Post and searching for bodies. 13:57: Returned to Eastern Guard Post. 14:03: Reported to higher-ups. Officer Signature: Harley Hamilton In honor of the two bravest watchmen in the Grayclaw Forest. Officer Signature: Rim Gregory, Allen, you shall be avenged. Rest in peace.