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Throne and Liberty Secret Written Conversation with a Talon Guild Member

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Zarek, don't you think he's gotten a bit pickier recently? Don't even say that he's sensitive because he's a wizard. He's not the only wizard in our guild. - B.N - I'm dying because of him, too. Did he hear something unpleasant from Master Talon because of the orcs? It's even more of a fuss when the Festival of Fire starts. - Moonlight Swordmaster I.S - Ah, Master Talon is not the kind of person who talks about things like that. He takes the lead in whatever he does. I think a Fonos orc must be impersonating him. Otherwise, why would he go in and out of the Fonos Basin? - Hawk Eyes - Fonos Basin? What I heard is Akidu Valley. He seems to catch all the orcs. Does that guy have grudges against the orcs? Or is he just making a collection? - J.W-

You all are so pathetic. Why do you want to know the reason? Isn't it just a matter of hunting orcs wherever he goes? If you don't like it, stop complaining here and tell him directly. - Za.R - Yes! There is no one as diligent as Zarek. Even the picky boss acknowledges his ability. I feel really reassured since Zarek is on my side! - A master of social life - Come to think of it, I should be grateful to Zarek too. It's not easy work, patroling around the Basin or the Valley day and night. I was going to thank him when I met Zarek. - Moonlight Swordmaster I.S - Hey, hold up, everyone! The one who wrote that isn't Zarek. Why would a busy man like that come and make graffiti here? You guys are all chickens. Tsk tsk. - J.W -