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Throne and Liberty A Guide for Desert Travelers

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The desert is cruel, and that is precisely why it is beautiful. The traveler who crosses Stonegard for a day and a night shall finally know who he really is. It is said that the waters of the oasis reflect one's true face. I, Bahut, dedicate this guide to all desert travelers.

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1. Monolith Wastelands If you ever get lost in the Monolith Wastelands, just look up. The rock towers protruding from the ground will be your landmarks. Merchants in the wastelands even measure time by the shadows of monolith rocks. When the monolith's shadow shortens, seasoned merchants know this means it is time to take their camels to the shade to rest. Old tales say this wasteland used to be verdant farmlands. It was supposedly the richest source of groundwater in Stonegard. It is said that the water source was contaminated by an evil spell, and there was no way to purify it. Even worse, the contamination was spreading. With no other option, the Wizards of Venelux finally cut off the water veins by driving monoliths into the ground. That's how the monolith rocks came to be. Since then, this area has become a wasteland where not a single blade of grass grows. The farmers have all gone and it has become a desert filled with thieves.

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2. Abandoned Stonemason Town There used to be a huge rocky mountain in this area. Our ancestors carved out the mountainside to make bricks. Then they built Stonegard Castle with those massive bricks. Sane humans would have stopped when their mountain became a hill. But the Stonegardians didn't. They went down underground to dig up Brown Mica. In their absence, their village was engulfed by monsters. Excessive greed always leads to a downfall. Nature contains many gifts, but the desert teaches humans humility. Rain in the desert would be a blessing to weary travelers, but it's different here. When it rains the mandrakes become ferocious. So don't be careless.

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3. Moonlight Desert The Moonlight Desert has taken the lives of many travelers. It's hot enough to burn your skin during the day, and cold enough to freeze your nose off at night. The sand is soft and deep enough to come up to your ankles. Dangerous monsters hide under the surface, just waiting for an easy snack like you. If you plan to cross the Moonlight Desert, go on a night when the moon is bright. You will see a spectacular view of the glittering sand. Just don't get too enchanted by the sight. You may wind up a meal for the sand turtles. If you run out of food, ask the caravan merchants for help. If you can gather a few moonlight scales from the creatures in the desert, you might be able to bargain them for supplies. Adventurers and merchants gather at the Moonlight Oasis in the northernmost area of the Moonlight Desert. I myself, frequent the area quite often. If you see me there someday, don't hesitate to come and say hello. And if you are brave enough to cross the desert, I will be glad to buy you a drink first.