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Throne and Liberty A Tax Collector's Memoir

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Everything I describe below happened while I was working at the Stonegard Castle as a tax collector. I was sent to Vienta Village with James to take a census before we levied a tax. Vienta Village nowadays is green with grapes, but at that time the fields were barren and empty because farmers would rather destroy their own crops than get taxed into poverty by Fernan. We talked to the heads of this village first, then moved on to the pier. The little fishing boats at the pier were the only things keeping this whole town fed. I saw fishermen cleaning up their catch and children running around the pier. They looked pretty ragged, but kids are kids even in crushing poverty and they were having fun by themselves. But then, James grabbed my arm and pointed out something.

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There was a little girl sitting alone almost at the end corner of the pier. She was dozing, and I could tell even from that distance that the girl was not in good shape. When I approached her, she opened her eyes and looked scared. She looked even worse close up. It seems she was being abused by someone for a long time. I asked her name gently as if I didn't notice anything, and she answered "Three Sollant." She was abandoned in this village when she was a newborn, and no one in the village was willing or able to shelter another baby under their roof. Ultimately, a drunkard decided to take her in after hearing that the village chief would pay three Sollant a day for taking care of this baby. I was very shocked to listen to this horrible story. I tried to talk to her stepfather, but people told me that he was a useless man who rarely came home.

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James and I tried so hard to find a new home for this girl. Fortunately, a generous married couple at Stonegard Castle volunteered. They even asked us to help give her a new name. I suggested Violet, thinking of her beautiful purple eyes. Then we went back to the village with this good news to get Violet and take her to her new home. But when we arrived, the village was filled with guards. I asked what happened, and the village chief told us that the girl's father was killed overnight and the girl went missing. I just couldn't believe it. I insisted on organizing a search party for her, but no one listened to us. We found a traveling merchant who was at the village on the night of the murder. He told us that he saw a wizard and a girl leaving the village on that very same night. The girl was holding a lantern and looked quite calm, so the merchant didn't think much of them.

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Based on what the merchant said, we tried to track the traces of magic might have been left behind, but the wizards of the Stonegard Castle just weren't interested. When we finally found someone who could help us, it was too late. She was long gone. I still remember this with a heavy heart. I pray every day to Einar that she found a life of happiness. She must be a fully grown maiden by now. If I ever see her again, I want to tell her how much we cared about her. That she had a beautiful name called Violet, instead of Three Sollant.