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Throne and Liberty On Vienta Wine

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About Vientan Wines Written by Jansis Robinson The Origin of Vientan Wine The Vientan wine industry has grown explosively for the last two hundred years. Their advanced wine production technology has become very famous all around Solisium. The first Vientan vineyards were originally founded by the eastern Trutizan immigrants from Laslan. They contributed greatly to the advancement of wine production and distribution. They were the ones who introduced grapes to this area. They used the traditional Trutizan methods to produce wines with consistent quality.

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Times of Trial The hard-working farmers and brewing masters played an important role in the expansion of the Vientan wine industry. But both the presence of Arkeum and Fernan's heavy tax policy hindered any serious advancement. The price of Vientan wine skyrocketed because of the heavy taxes and people began to look for alternatives. Merchants stopped selling Vientan wines and breweries closed down. It seemed like this was the end of the Vientan wines.

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Vientan Wine's Revival After DaVinci and the Resistance reclaimed Stonegard, enterprising winemakers made their way back to the vineyards to restore them to their former glory. An early result of this revival was the Liberta wine, one of the most beloved wines in Solisium. Feyruth was an heir of a prestigious brewery family, and he brewed Liberta wine as a celebration of their reclaimed freedom. This sweet wine with a hint of green grapes, nuts, burberry, and blackberry was very well received by many wine lovers. So much so that it later became the iconic wine of Vienta. The wine merchants journeyed all across war-torn Stonegard, contributing greatly to the reconstruction of the region. You almost could say that it was grapes and wines that built the Stonegard of today. Vientan wines are not just beloved delicacies, but are an important part of Stonegard history as well.