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Throne and Liberty Queen Bellandir's Seven Action Patterns

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Queen Bellandir, the matriarch of all sandworms, is not just a gigantic predator and a subject of fear among people. Below are a list of her known behaviors that make her a truly unique and notably dangerous threat in the world. As part of her temperature control strategies, she appears to avoid hot environments such as direct sunlight. Queen Bellandir's movement pattern prioritizes eliminating any chance of escape for her prey. In practice, it is very difficult to predict her movements nor even what her ultimate target is until moments before she leaps out of the sand. Second, she appears when she detects mana. The only times Queen Bellandir reveals herself is when she has sensed the presence of mana. As such she often appears around traps containing magic stones or those who wield magic. One of the places she frequently appears in is called the "Queen's Trap," where a large quantity of mana stones is suspected to be present.

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Third, she constructs a complex and sophisticated network of tunnels. Her tunnels are called Sandworm Lairs. Examining those places, one can quickly tell that the tunnels are not constructed solely for herself or her brood, but with outsiders in mind. For example, the Sandworm Hatchery, which you would assume was designed to be an area for her eggs and larvae is actually a cleverly designed trap to disorient any invaders. Although several tunnels that Queen Bellandir uses have been discovered around the Sandworm Hatchery, not a single one has been identified to lead to her true lair. It is suspected that she has hidden away a maze-like tunnel specifically designed for that purpose in the deepest part of the Hatchery. Fourth, she can create sandstorms. The sandstorms created by Queen Bellandir's movements create a number of obstacles. Prey trapped in her sandstorms have difficulty protecting themselves, in addition to the expected limited sight. Moreover, the sandstorms hide Queen Bellandir, complicating any efforts at capturing or hunting her down.

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Fifth, the sandstorms suck in her prey. Queen Bellandir prefers to create a sandstorm just beneath her prey to suck them in and immobilize them. Queen Bellandir relies on her advanced hearing and smell senses while hunting due to her devolved eyesight. As a result, she's found hunting down each individual prey has a lower chance of success and has adapted to rely on her sandstorm abilities. Once trapped in her sandstorm, it is almost impossible to escape from it, which is why it earned its moniker "Sand Hell". Sixth, she spits out larvae. When she comes up above the sands, she periodically spits out larvae. It is suspected that she carries around her larvae in her mouth after laying her eggs in the sand, and is forced to spit them out during her hunts. Ever the caring mother, the larvae spit out in this way explode upon contact with the air. This seems to be a side effect of the Star Shard's mana. This callous disregard for the life of the young leads some to believe that the eggs and the larvae in the Sandworm Hatchery are not her own.

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Seventh, she eats mana. This is what truly distinguishes Queen Bellandir from your average run-of-the-mill monster. It might appear that she indiscriminately eats everything in her path, but her main source of nourishment is mana. She sniffs out mana using her excellent sense of smell to hunt down prey, and after extracting all the mana from them, she excretes everything else. It is assumed that she has a special organ in her stomach that can selectively absorb the mana. This concludes our report on everything that has been learned about Queen Bellandir's behavior. As Queen Bellandir was originally a common sandworm, she shows some similar behaviors to them. But most of her unique behaviors manifested after her gigantification from the Star Shard. Any additional behaviors will be released in a future report. - Josephine Craft, 7 Behaviors of Queen Bellandir