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Throne and Liberty Regarding Moonlight Desert Merchant Groups

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Dear Hamir, It's been a long time, friend. How've you been? It's already been half a year since I left for Stonegard. The town is now the center of southern trade and essentially the heart of Solisium. Compared to the central region still under the influence of the Arkeum Legion, I was surprised by the freedom here. Not even in Hakkad do the merchants enjoy so much liberty. I was very surprised the Resistance could do so much. Anyway, we're now busy day and night here putting down roots for our Traders' Guild. The hot product here nowadays are Moonlight Scales. Perhaps you've heard of them.

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The sand in this region is famous because it's imported from Venelux and used to make Elemental Fusion Stones. I know what you're thinking: most people have no use for those, right? Also our own Hakkad sand has fewer impurities, making it better material for glass. But there's a special magic in the sand here. There's a place called the Moonlight Desert. The scales of the creatures there are continuously exposed to magic, making them sparkle like moonlight. The Moonlight Desert was given that name because of how the sand reflects the moonlight due to its inherent magical properties. It's said that at night, this area is as bright as the sunniest day in a regular desert. Of course we both know the old joke about merchants' talk. It's half exaggeration, half bluster, and half lies that after being said so often, are now believed to be true. So I figured it would be best to see it for myself to learn the truth. From what I've seen, it's not quite as bright as day, but the desert certainly does shine. Perhaps it shines as much as the permanent snow you see in Trutizan's mountains in the west, although I haven't been there myself.

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Besides, I've been around and seen products made with Moonlight Scales for myself, and their feel and luster is truly remarkable. I think you'd recognize that yourself if you saw them in person. Above all, armor and accessories made of Moonlight Scales are very easy to imbue with magic. The reason Solisium has developed so many magical items isn't solely down to Venelux. I've been putting in the legwork to figure out a way to get these Moonlight Scales into our own products, but it's not easy. There are already a number of merchant groups vying to procure these materials, and it's a wonderful situation for con men looking for marks. We're essentially the only foreign merchants involved, but there is considerable fighting between the merchants from various dominions of Solisium. I would have gotten into the business earlier if I'd known. Then again, if the Resistance hadn't stabilized the situation, it may even have been impossible for foreigners like us to enter when we did.

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On that note, I hear a Commander by the name of Jacque Hander has a reputation for being quite shrewd. The problem is that he's not only big but also belligerent. He's set it so the rights to manage the castle and subsequent commercial and collection rights of the scales are acquired through battles between adventurer guilds. That means merchants won't see much profit through negotiation alone if they don't have a guild to tag along with. It's difficult to even gather Moonlight Scales without an adventurer's strength, and then the registration tax and customs duties are all in the hands of the guild occupying the castle... I thought Hander was just powerful and high-handed, but it seems he's as sly as a fox too. But don't worry. You know me. I'll make good and sure that no harm comes to the Viper of Hakkad.

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Here too, I'm making connections with this merchant group and that merchant group while pretending to be a layabout. I think it'll have an effect soon. But I won't be able to send these letters as often in case someone catches on. I plan to send a few sample items with this letter through someone I trust, so just keep waiting and don't worry too much. I think I'll see results within a year. Please give my regards to your apprentice Shahin, as well. Take care. Your friend and brother, Kamalo