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Throne and Liberty The Origin of the Monolith Wastelands

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The origin of the Monolith Wastelands dates back to three hundred years ago. In A.N. 800, there was a man named Skultus. He was one of the three Grand Elders of the Sylavean Order and very good at collecting and using Star Fragments. One day, he decided to use the fragments to create monsters such as Queen Bellandir and Lacune, then ravaged Stonegard with the "Skultus Storm." This storm devastated so much, but the worst damage was done to the Golden Tide Plain, one of the best and most productive regions of Stonegard. The magical rain dried out the soil and plants all at once, almost instantly. Unfortunately, that was not all. Those who were exposed to the rain or drank the water died from unknown causes. Even those who could avoid direct contact with the rainwater became sick from the polluted air and soil, resulting in blindness, skin rots, and miscarriages. People fled from this now-cursed land.

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The Lightbringer Society sent wizards to address this disastrous situation. The Golden Tide Plain was a major water source for other areas, so there was a risk of diseases spreading through the underground rivers. In the end, the Lightbringer Society decided to completely block the flow of water from the plains using Monolith stones, and eventually, the plains became a desert. The name "Golden Tide" faded away, and people began to call this place the "Monolith Wastelands." This is how the curse of Skultus turned a once beautiful plain to a wasteland. No one knows for sure why Skultus suddenly decided to curse this land in particular. One can only guess from his past recordings the despair and frustrations he bore against the world. For more information on this, you may refer to my other work, "The History of the Sylavean Order." - Arintal, a Historian, A.N 1160