Throne and Liberty Logo


We'd like to thank you for your continued support of THRONE AND LIBERTY,
and we would like to inform you about an issue we are currently experiencing in-game.

Known Issues
We will do our best to fix the following in-game issues as soon as possible.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Changing Tax Rates
- When changing the tax rate through the Manor Manager, the time limit for changing the tax rate is not displayed.
> You can change your tax rate twice until the next siege, but if you don't change it within 30 minutes after the siege ends, your chance to change it will be reduced to once.
- When you level up an enhanced skill with a Heroic Tier 2 weapon, the equipment skill function sometimes fails to apply.
> Re-register the skill in the Quickslot in the Skills window, or reconnect to it and it will be reflected correctly.
Paola's Dimensional Gin
- The skill display of Caligras, the boss of the Screaming Torture Chamber, is sometimes not displayed correctly when the '[Graphics Quality] > [Low]' option is selected.
- If the party is wiped out while Caligras, the boss of the Torture Chamber of Screams, has a damage over time skill, the boss battle will sometimes not reset.
This can be resolved by re-entering the dungeon with the specific party member who used the damage over time skill.
Capture the Flag
- The minimap marker of a Ranked player in the "Spectator" state is sometimes displayed on the map.

We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
We'll do our best to get things back to normal as soon as possible.

Thank you.