You do not need all purple equipment to reach a high combat power. Some players go for full purple, disregarding blue. This approach takes forever and gets you nowhere. Think about the purple traits and their costs. Blue offers the better route to take. Farming proves easier, and blue remains less expensive in terms of traits.Once you have your blue gear with all traits maxed out, you start to farm purple.
This build does not require any Arch and World Boss gear.
As a casual player, I prefer to avoid guild involvement. In most cases, joining a guild comes with duties. You must stay online daily or complete guild tasks by 18:00 the following day. And what about loot distribution? How fair remains loot distribution with up to 70 players in a guild?Guilds with 5 to 10 players make more sense. I started a solo guild to get minor buffs like Defense and Mana Regen.
Andrew provides an excellent explanation for the reasons.
I recommend starting One-Star Co-Op Dungeons when you reach combat power 3'100. With a combat power of only 1'600, entering the dungeon could lead to a rough encounter with the boss.
Before going full purple, max out the traits on your blue gear. With a solid combat power, farming purple gets easier.
This build does not require any Arch and World Boss loot. You farm the gear in open-world and co-op dungeons.
I suggest tackling Two-Star Co-Op Dungeons once your combat power hits 4'000. Attempting the dungeon with only 2'500 combat power might result in a tough fight against the boss.
I start my rotation with Annihilation Blade, Piercing Strike, Touch of Despair, Annihilating Slash, and Counter Barrier. When the mob has three stacks of Touch of Despair, I use Time for Punishment. Then I cast Decaying Touch, followed by Curse Explosion. The other skills I employ when needed.
With the Shield Survival Technique, I block any Fury Attack.
I start my rotation with Provoking Roar, Piercing Strike, Touch of Despair, Annihilating Slash, Counter Barrier, and Time for Punishment.Controlling Rake pulls mobs to me. With Strategic Rush, I push mobs against walls and stun them (Death's Abyss) or off bridges (Butcher's Canyon). Stalwart Bastion protects the party in dire situations. Blessed Barrier and Fountain of Life, I use to save myself.
Clay's Salvation's Weaken Removal cleanses one firedebuff. I can tank all three fireballs. To pull this off, you have to think and act quickly.
After the Fury Attack of Rex, I get into position whilst casting Stalwart Bastion. I stand as close as possible to Rex to block all three fireballs. Afterwards, I cast Clay's Salvation and maybe Fountain of Life. If the paralysed player stands too close to Rex, the AOE blast could kill me and the player. Before I jump in, I assess the situation.
The "outdoors" drop rate proves abysmal. I farmed Mitrans for hours, but the Handguards of the Resistance never dropped. However, after farming Ork Spearmasters for three hours, I got the Warlord's Shroud. Killing Living Armor Foot Soldiers in Syleus's Abyss 3F-4F got me Warlord's Shroud in only one hour. "Indoors"'s drop rate surpasses the "outdoors" drop rate.Getting any gear from Syleus's Abyss 5F-6F, excluding Demonhoof Head Shaman, should not take too long. After about four hours, I got all the gear from 5F-6F, excluding Shock Commander Plate Armor.
The drop rate in co-op dungeons varies significantly. King Chimaerus dropped the Regeneration Loop in the first run. In comparison, Karnix dropped Karnix's Netherblade after 28 runs.
Codex Adventure
Chapter 6: The Song of the Vienta Dwarves
Mask of the Resistance
Chapter 7: The Sandstorm Overlord
Handguards of the Resistance
Lithograph Book
Elemental Bracelets
Kunzite Bangle
Hawk's Eye
Solo Farming
Akidu Valley
Orc Spearmaster
Warlord's Shroud
Daybreak Shore
Iron Chestacean
Purelight Hill
Contaminated Mitran and Mitran
Syleus's Abyss 3F-4F
Living Armor Foot Soldier
Random Party Farming (once you reach combat power 3'000, you can farm Syleus's Abyss 5F-6F solo)
Syleus's Abyss 5F-6F
Demonhoof Head Shaman
Shock Commander Plate Armor
Shock Commander Sabatons
Etched Alabaster Band
Demonhoof Butcher
Demonhoof Tracker
Lethal Venom Abomination
Sacred Manuscript
Steelclaw Abomination
Imperial Ring
Saurodoma Island
Reptilian Lancer
Abyss Currency
80 (+10 Abyssal Aggregate) for Precious Epic Equipment Selection Chest: Abyss
40 for Precious Epic Equipment Chest: Abyss
Etched Alabaster Band or
Co-Op Dungeons
Roaring Temple
King Chimaerus
Regeneration Loop
One-Star Co-Op Dungeons
Death's Abyss
Karnix's Netherblade
Gloom Guard Greaves
Butcher's Canyon
Duke Magna
Ecliptic Pendant
Tyrant's Isle
Reptilian Soldier
Gauntlets of the Field General
Clasp of the Conqueror orEtched Alabaster Band
Cave of Destruction
Supreme Devotion
Bracers of the Primal King
Dimensional Essence: Salvation
1 for Precious Epic Accessory Selection Chest
Sapphire Dimensional Band
Two-Star Co-Op Dungeons
Island of Terror
Forbidden Eternal Chain
Valley of Slaughter
Helm of the Field General
Carmine Rage Island
Torture Chamber of Screams
Shadow Harvester Trousers